Church Meeting Broadcast Notes

I’ve been asked to help set up a broadcasting session for a weekly church meeting (a sacrament meeting but without the sacrament part, just talks and prayer). This is just a temporary measure during these COVID-19 times. I know there are a lot of other churches out there that do regular weekly broadcasts, and even record them. But our policy is to avoid that in favor of in-person meetings… usually.

For this project, there are three requirements
– live broadcast only (not recorded)
– easy to use (avoid login accounts)
– limited and controlled distribution (not trying to broadcast to the world, just for our local congregation)

My own requirement is that the setup should be simple enough that I can explain it to someone else and they can replicate it so I can go on vacation.

NOTE: If you don’t need all the details and just want a summary, skip to the end.

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