Tag Archives: opensuse

From DVD to .iso in openSUSE in bash

Just a quick note on something I found that was super useful. My new laptop doesn’t have a DVD drive, so I needed to rip an .iso file on one laptop to copy to the other. After some googling, I found https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/385648

The short version is:

<assuming your DVD drive is at /dev/sr0>
> isoinfo -i /dev/sr0 -d
<that gives a bunch of info, look for "Logical block size" and "Volume size">
Logical block size is: 2048
Volume size is: 1880567
> dd if=/dev/sr0 of=./some-img.iso bs=2k count=1880567

I think there is also a way to get progress out of it using status=progress but I haven’t tried that yet.